Abel: Seven Weeks

At seven weeks, Abel is a really happy baby! He fusses when he’s hungry, tired, or gassy, and that’s about it. He loves having his diaper changed and being all clean and fresh and will usually give me some sweet smiles and coos during a change! The other night after Abel nursed, Jared and I sat with him and listened to music and Abel was having a great time watching us make faces. He tried to copy our faces and sing along to the music! His ‘talking’ is so adorable!

No I don’t normally let Abel wear a necklace… this was just for these photos… read on down below 😉 

Sonic is very curious about this new little person in our house. He also loves to steal my breast pads and chew on them. Gross. Last week Jared got Sonic a new dog bed, a few new toys, treats, and a dog collar, since he chewed the last one off. The very next day, the brand new collar was chewed into about five pieces. However, he was very excited about his new toys. Since he dragged all his other toys off outside, he’s been bored when he’s in the house.

Abel and I continue to just chill around the house, and we’ve gone on a few walks when the weather is nice, and met up with another mum and her baby last week. I’m in a Facebook group of other mums in New Zealand who had babies around the same time as I had Abel. The support has been awesome, and there are a few mums who live here, so we’re getting to know one another.


I love taking photos of Abel, because he’s SO CUTE, and I had the idea to dress him up for some fun pictures! I had fun doing this little ‘gangster’ outfit for Abel, and I want to do more photos like this as well, so if you have any ideas, let me know!

Don’t mess with Abel! And also don’t take pictures on a sheet, because the wrinkles are impossible. Lesson learned.

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