Portrait Session: Whangarei Falls

Portrait Session: Whangarei Falls

I love the Whangarei Falls and it’s a must-see place when we have visitors! When my sister Kalina was in New Zealand in February, we did a photo shoot at the falls.

The falls are gorgeous and if you find yourself in Whangarei I highly recommend you visit them. You park near the top of the falls and there are a few viewing platforms where you can see the waterfall from the top. A trail takes you to the bottom, but it’s not very stroller friendly. One side is lots of stairs and the other side is a not-as-steep path that takes a bit longer to walk. At the bottom of the falls you can take a trail that leads to the A.H. Reed Memorial Park.

Of course I had to take some photos of Abel too. Like pretty much every other baby, he loves putting things in his mouth, no matter how bad they taste.

I’m looking forward to visiting the falls again soon! When my mom was here last year and we were impatiently waiting for Abel to make his appearance, we went to the falls and I took advantage of all the stairs, hoping it would help get him in a good position to be born. (It didn’t, apparently). It was a cold, rainy, day then! Although it’s getting rainy again in Whangarei as we approach winter, we’re still having some nice warm days, so I’d better take advantage of that because let’s be honest… going for walks isn’t as fun when it’s cold and wet. Or 9 months pregnant, but I don’t have to worry about that this year. 😉

It was so fun to have a new model. I’ll take your photos anytime, Kalina!

To learn more about my photography, click here!

2 thoughts on “Portrait Session: Whangarei Falls

  1. Suzan says:

    Your little man is a beautiful little boy. The photos you have shared are stunning. New Zealand is one of my favourite places in the world. Enjoy your autumn weather because I know how wet and cold the winters can be. Since I live in southeast Queensland the weather is very different to ours. God bless.


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